“In spite of all the modern treatments that are available for autism, people are still curious about the ones who came before. The ones who never had any therapy programs, and never took any drugs to help them concentrate in school, and never had Individualized Education Plans, and were never told how they should and should not play. The ones who grew up without even knowing they were autistic. They achieved various degrees of success in their lives, and they were not a generation of social outcasts and failures, even though almost none of them received any treatments at all because nobody even knew they were autistic”. AspieKid, aspiekid.net, November 12th 2012
Before DSM [Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ] they were known by many names – the introverts, eccentric, queer, erudite, savants, visionaries (of the kind of Steve Jobs and betters of him), and ultimately among the common folk – the Simpletons, the endeared heroes of the folk stories in many cultures. They were a part of society, a sparkling presence by many counts, and they walked free among people.
The purpose of this project is twofold:
- As a resource to help you educate yourself about what Special Ed observably is, and where it leads, and to let you also know of what we believe is A Better Way.
- To let you know what we are trying to do, and what you can do as a self-advocate, a parent, or an ally, on your own and together with us to make things better.
Latest on this project - Project 2019 - Self-Directed Education - Alliance with ASDE
Special Education and Early Intervention -
Let us start by looking at some numbers (using Pennsylvania as an example).
The population of the state of Pennsylvania in 2016 was over 12 million, of which under 5 years was 727,804 and between ages 5-21 - 3,438,278. According to statistics resourced from the Governor’s budget by the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council [an organization of exceptional integrity and vision] – the amounts appropriated for Special Education and Early Intervention for 2016 are quite enormous [see the Slice of the Pie table]: Early Intervention (Birth to 3) - $129,211,000 , Early Intervention (3-5) - $252,159,000, Special Education (ages 5-21) - $1, 096,815,000 – 1.5 billion dollars in Special Ed. just for the State of Pennsylvania plus numerous other disability and autism related allotments!
The number of children in early intervention in Pennsylvania was estimated as 89,166 [Office of Child Development]. This roughly computes as $4,277 budgeted per child, but autistic children generally get disproportionally larger allocations, especially children between ages 3-5 due to the cost and number of intervention services they receive. According to disabilityrightpa.org “children with autism can incur medical care costs that exceed $29,000 per person per year, while non-medical care costs can exceed $38,000 per person per year”. The ‘non-medical’ part is what is generally charged by Early Intervention services and Special Ed., but it is also common for most private autism schools to dip into a medical part to cover a variety of other expenditures.
Some private autism schools charge well over $50,000 per year, year after year until the age of 21; it is a large chunk of money but they manage to get it from various state disability and autism allocations and state subsidized insurance. This money goes directly to service providers.
Now let us take a good look at what autistic child in Special Ed commonly gets for this money.
We’ll begin with Early Intervention. (Here, for your reference is a link to parentcenterhub.org which gives a good overview of what services an autistic child in early intervention receives; these services generally continue in school until child becomes an adult at the age of 21).
We suggest however to begin this tour not by delving into this informative write-up, but by going instead to YouTube intervention service videos for autistic children. The following 3 are of a very young child receiving behavioral ABA play therapy [we chose these amateur videos because they are short and simply document just how it commonly proceeds]: 1) my baby with autism during aba, 2) baby boy with autism recovering with aba, and 3) Baby with autism getting ABA [must watch]. Sessions usually last 20-60 minutes adding up to some 10-20 hours a week as per child’s Individual Family Service Program (IFSP). Children aged from 3-5 usually receive 30 to 40 [40 recommended by ABA] hours of therapy a week.
If while watching these videos, you had a doubting thought that this is not a way you’d want anybody interact with your baby – you were right! If you felt in your heart that what you see is wrong – you were right!
But everybody - professionals, esteemed scholars, autism parents - tells you it must be done, or else your child will grow autistic [a terribly disabled deranged individual they showed you], and that it works, and is evidence-based – how can you not trust them, but a few queer autistic people who are trying to tell you that it is wrong, that it is traumatic, that not only it doesn’t work, but that it is detrimental to the development of your child, and that you are putting your child on a torturous path of living hell.
So why is it wrong? It is wrong because it is abuse, and abused children do not develop well - it stumps child’s development. It is wrong because it robs the child of their childhood, because it is putting a child to work from an infant age, alongside the relentless demanding adults who force them into it and are paid for it.
But why other parents do it? Are they stupid, are they heartless? You know it can’t be. They love their child! But this is what society tells you to be unquestionably right and needed, and your child is entitled to receive these services for free, and that is what is expected of you as a good parent. Besides what else can you do?
The motto of our modern society is that more is better, and so parents request all they can get for their child. But watch these videos again, and a few others [commented by autistic people] and if this still doesn’t sway you, try get a tour of autism school, and observe the children in each grade from grade one and on – this is how your child will be ‘progressing’. Ask yourself where are the young autistic adults? What are their whereabouts? How are they doing? They came through the system. But perhaps they didn’t get enough services, or didn’t get intervention early enough? If you have these doubts watch these videos again with a questioning mind and an open heart.
A short overview of the history of Special Education and Early Intervention programs in the US together with the analysis of its merits and results by an independent autistic research is available at this link.
Early Intervention - International experience and new developments
In regard to Early Intervention it is important to recognize that practice of intervention into the lives and natural development of autistic children is not only a fallacy, but also a heinous human rights violation. Not only it takes their childhood away, not only it isolates them, not only it is often traumatic, not only it does not work, but it dwarfs them spiritually and leads to life of anguish.
The ABA intervention practice is utterly grotesque, but in view of its monopoly on intervention, and in recognition that the notion of a need for intervention is deeply ingrained in our society, we should not overlook some more progressive developments, such as Play project in US, and others occurring in UK and Israel. Specifically we’d like to make a reference to “The Transforming Autism Project” - an approach to Early Intervention based on the insights into the nature and essence of autism (see TED talk by Guy Shahar - ‘The Beautiful Reality of Autism‘). The approach has roots in the work pioneered by Mifne Center in Israel 30 years ago - a gentle humanitarian approach to intervention at the very early stage that includes the reeducation of the entire family and practitioners. Their gentle approach to intervention and the growing disillusionment with behaviorism are the drivers in the expansion of these progressive movements in US, UK, and internationally, which we hope will eventually turn the tide of autistic adversity and lead to the creation of environments that are beneficial to all Human kind. Here we provide our Synopsis & Comments on this transformative movement.
We must note however that while ‘Transforming Autism’ has valid insights regarding autistic condition, and while all of these programs understand the value of Play in the development of the child, they exhibit no understanding of evolutionary role of diversity, and as a result no trust in the capacity of autistic children to develop naturally supported simply by a well functioning family and not by the hordes of intervening therapists with an imposition of protective restraints and lifelong containment. Evolutionary genetics views neurodivergence as a natural human condition with a biological capacity to survive and flourish while fulfilling an important evolutionary role for Humanity as a whole when not specifically targeted for elimination.
Alternatives - Introducing A Better Way
“Scientific observation has established that education is not what the teacher gives; education is a natural process spontaneously carried out by the human individual, and is acquired not by listening to words but by experiences upon the environment. The task of the teacher becomes that of preparing a series of motives of cultural activity, spread over a specially prepared environment, and then refraining from obtrusive interference. Human teachers can only help the great work that is being done, as servants help the master. Doing so, they will be witnesses to the unfolding of the human soul and to the rising of a New Man who will not be a victim of events, but will have the clarity of vision to direct and shape the future of human society.” – Maria Montessori, Education for a New World
In a few words, the general guideline that we pursue is to restore the essence of education in principle, as a process of facilitated learning rather than intervention by force. We hold Universal design as a guiding principle that enables equality and inclusion. One of Montessori’s many accomplishments was developing universal method of education for young children that stresses the development of a child’s own initiative and natural abilities, especially through practical play. Let us note that the fundamentals of this universal method were laid down during Montessori’s work with children who then were classified as ‘mentally defective’.
The main stages of child’s development from birth to adult are easily observable – 2 fundamental changes occur roughly at the ages of 6-7 and 12-14 that divide child development into 3 periods. The changes at each transition stage are both physiological and spiritual – they are fundamental and affect the entire body including the neurology of the brain, thus profoundly affecting the mind, and the psyche of the child.
Montessori observed four distinct periods, or “planes”, in human development, extending from birth to 6 years, from 6 to 12, from 12 to 18, and from 18 to 24. She saw different characteristics, learning modes, and developmental imperatives active in each of these planes, and called for educational approaches specific to each period. These stages are universal to all human children.
Montessori Education has achieved international recognition in the early 19th century, but in US was overshadowed by the advent of behaviorism methodology. It has been re-surging however since 1960, and is currently one of the main alternatives to the traditional school.
Similarly in 1924, at the height of Prussian Educational system, German philosopher and later creator of Anthroposophy, Rudolph Steiner in a series of lectures which formed his famous book – The Kingdom of Childhood has delivered the cornerstones of new education which led to the creation of Waldorf Education - the fastest growing independent school movement in the world.
These two educational movements are universally beneficial to all the children, including autistic. Both of these educational methods, in ideal are inherently adaptive to child’s inclinations and individuality, and maintain that learning environment should be rooted in real world, and thus by simple causation acquiesce that inclusion of diversity within itself is of great benefit to all the children, both typical and not, and the true learning of the world and of self in it does not occur by the administration of blinders and avoidance of reality.
It is however unfortunate that some of these schools are Montessori and Waldorf only in name, and not in their true essence. It is also unfortunate that petty competitiveness and pursuit of short term achievement for their child dominates modern parental psyche, creating intolerance toward inclusion of atypical children. It is also utterly unfortunate that the stigma of ‘special needs’ has spread to the administrative bodies of these otherwise progressive educational movements, and acceptance of diagnosed children is extremely rare.
Let us at this point bring forth two very important old concepts that are beginning to reemerge – namely Self-Directed education and Natural learning. There are many progressive ideas emerging recently in the field of education; most of them emphasize that true learning comes from within and the importance of education in Nature as an ultimate ‘classroom’ for motivation, exploration, and discovery, while many also suggest a return to an indirect teaching of the kind that was practiced by Native Americans.
Here we’d like to introduce The Alliance for Self-Directed Education. We believe that Self-Direction lies at the core of autistic learning; to give you an idea on how to in our modern era, we bring to you #RadicoolUnschooling as a valiant example of thriving neurodivergence in Wales, UK.
We also like to introduce the Natural Learning Initiative including a link to their project that seeks to bring Montessori schools into Natural environments. We quote Erin Kenny a founder of K2 Cedarsong Nature School who has defined her approach in simple terms - “Children cannot bounce of the walls if we take away the walls”.
Nature is the ultimate teacher and provides infinite learning possibilities, which is true for all the ages, but is especially important for young children. The Universality of the nature ‘levels the field’ for all the children presenting infinite opportunities and challenges to both typical and atypical children and allowing each to attain their highest state of being.
With this in view a group of autistic people and allies who had been exposed to the best of these educational movements as well as the contemporary models of education and child development, including homeschooling, have set on defining the concepts, the philosophy, and the guidelines for the Universal Educational model, that would exemplify the best of these progressive movements for all and each of the children, including autistic. Whether they have succeeded is for you to judge. Here we present A Better Way.
Making right parental decisions is always important, but when it comes to autistic children the choices are starkly limited. The self-serving Autism Industry has maneuvered itself to the position of an eminent and licensed authority “to deal with autistic problem” and also to speak for them [e.g. Autism Speaks]. It dominates the Information channels with scaremongering, effectively silencing both the witnesses [autistic families] and the victims [autistic people], as well as the dissenting researchers and many people in the field who oppose the inhumane methodologies and treatments as tools for forced normalization, and refute its validity as a precondition for acceptance. Meanwhile the public has been effectively misinformed and scared of the “autistic epidemic”, and a suggestion of autistic people [perceived as mentally deranged] roaming free.
These are the unfortunate effects that we face.
So What Can We Do - Path of Action
We should begin with cleansing ourselves - mind and heart - for we must have faith and the unwavering trust in ourselves and our child, and their ability to thrive in this world. Your child is not defective, not afflicted - but is a miracle upon this earth, a perfect creature.
Why is your child so different? Is your child an aberration? Why this epidemic? We could say unto you, that everything has purpose under the sky, and so they as well are here for the purpose; but we live in a scientific era and so we shall cite the honing ways of Evolutionary Genetics which follow Universal rule – adaptation, mutation, selection.
E.g. when a new born baby in our distant past “has failed” to develop the furry hide to protect it from the elements, and this “affliction” started to spread to other couples in their caves, like an epidemic; these naked children who required more care and nurture surely appeared defective and were likely to perish, and no doubt were assaulted by others for their misgivings - yet it was ultimately them who had survived and became us.
Autism is new only in name, it goes back into the distant past; its genetics is carried in many of us if not all, and it becomes expressed in some of us, as it is called for by universal forces or in other words the global environment [per our new brave science of Epigenetics]. They have survived as individuals and as a variation, not ballast, but a necessary part of diversity that is needed for survival of the species. They require longer nurture, and your protection from those who want to deny them their rightful place among people, but that is all. Here is a link to ‘The Beautiful Reality of Autism‘ - an insightful TED talk by a parent into the nature and the essence of autism phenomena and its reciprocal effects on the child and the family.
So fill yourself with this understanding and strengthen your heart because you would need it to fight for this child of yours to grow to who they suppose to become.
The path we recommend for parents:
For the 1st stage of child’s development /1-7/- (from birth to a change of teeth)- this is the time of indiscriminate learning when the world is fresh and new; for this first period we suggest whenever possible a family environment. Here we quote and suggest A Better Way - “Surround the child with love, and care. Create a “TRIBE” of relatives, teachers, friends of all ages, and animals too. Do not diminish their affections; cherish who they cherish. Make their HOME as Large as possible”. Do not be afraid to ask your family and friends for help; do not lock yourself out as many autistic families do - it is a path to disaster. This is not a nuclear science and no degrees are necessary; what is needed however is open mindedness, patience, and love.
For the stages 2 and 3 / 5-7-18/- Avoid the segregated Special Ed. of public education and segregated private schools and centers for developmental disabilities. It will result in a lifelong trauma for your child - it is a dead end.
The approach we recommend is to connect with ASDE and check out the self-directed schools and learning centers. A great example of a self-directed school is a Sudbury Valley School(s) - a school which according to Dr. Peter Gray is truly a Better Way School. Here is a link to his article describing the school (Lessons from Sudbury Valley). This is not a special school for autistic children, it is a school for all the children. Try it, and if there are none in your area check and lobby other educational systems known for their child centered methodology (Waldorf, Montessori) to accept your child on equal grounds.
Alternatively or barring acceptance to these schools, go for Home schooling that follows in the principle and the guidelines of the educational movements we outlined above. Take a look at a thorough ‘Radical unschooling‘ by Sandra Dodd, and “What is Unschooling? Reprise 🙂” by Kathy Ward . Interface with others who are doing this. Ideally create small groups [-8+] of both typical and autistic children, with teachers who are family or tutors. Explore, experiment, and learn together with them.
The actions we should do together:
The path we suggested above requires money, and is not easily affordable by most families. Parents need to get the control of the money budgeted by the government for education of autistic children by having the funds to be directly allocated to child’s account according to fair and simple rules, so that families can both choose and afford the best available alternative for their child as they see it. This choice must be ours - not the autism industry, and not the government’s. We should all fight for this together.
With the new administration coming to power there’ll be a push for Voucher system for general population, but most likely the autism industry would request an exception. The voucher system however appears to be the only option that would effectively allow to break the monopoly of behaviorism in schooling. Regardless of your political affiliations and your position on this complex issue, be sure to consider this as it affects the future of your child.
Remember that your child is exceptional, their sensory processing is enhanced and largely unfiltered and may be at times overwhelming to them; Be aware that they perceive your emotions and hear your thoughts which they may not understand and which scare them. They know what you think of them! Be patient and observant, and watch after them as they explore. You must learn their way in order to facilitate the transfer of your own knowledge. Expose them to the world, yet shield them when needed. Do not be alarmed when the progress is slow, especially in the beginning, and also when things seem to deteriorate. This is the way of learning. It will come.
This project was initiated in recognition that change doesn’t happen on its own.
Waldorf Effort - Project Manager Report for 2014
This project was initiated in May of 2014, when after a thorough study [of existing alternatives in education] we’ve approached the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA Leadership Council and The Board of Trustees) with a request to collaborate with us [Divergent Labs] in the creation of an alternative to the mainstream education of autistic children. Read more.
Continuation of the project in 2015 - Project Manager Report
At this point the approach for continuing this project needs to be redefined. It is my opinion that we would have to create a model and a school of our own making, and for that to succeed we would need to find support for this within a wider autistic community, and allies with similar ideals, educational credentials, and the business aptitude. It is my resolution to continue this project in this direction.
Status of the project in 2016 - Project Manager Report
The work in 2015 led to the following new sub-projects:
- Awareness to ABA practice,
- Play Project research,
- Integrated primary class [on University campus].
Contact us with your Questions and Concerns: at Autistic.zone [Autistic Education Project Q&A]