Notes on self-determination program in CA

I’d like to ask the reader to take a look at ‘Related Links Section’ on the same front page [top left corner], specifically FAQ and Self-determination Statute, which is a legal document describing the tenets of the program. It is interesting that the program is limited to only 2500, and people already in the institutional arrangements are not eligible. The FAQ section is quite informative, and explains how the program works; it also shows that there is a large number of people involved [business and government people] in the arrangement, for each ‘consumer’, i.e. person with ASD and other developmental disabilities [The IPP team, the Financial Management team, the Independent Facilitator, Regional centers, vendors], did I miss anybody?

I also would like to point an informative [and educational for autistic students of human communications] episode 0:25-0:30sec showing the director’s of the program Mr. Santi J. Rogers talking about the “Pathway to Freedom called Self-Determination” as his body language dissuades people “in the field” from getting alarmed.

The question I’d like to raise is how much the individual is actually getting for their own benefit, and how much is going to all others. Is it more cost effective than the traditional system. It seems that this arrangement [because it is an arrangement for handling an outlier of autistic population] is a model that promotes a business solution which targets people currently served by the community centers. Perhaps it might be more cost effective, but I wouldn’t bet on it since it would require additional regulation and oversight. So yes I’d like to know how money is spent here, including all the parties, and will any money actually go to the individual?