This is our current list of needs for Divergent Labs for those who would like to volunteer or donate.
Contact Star Ford to make a donation.
Area: Ocate Cliffs construction
Attend work retreat
You can come to the work retreats and hellp build trails and do whatever construction is ready at that time.
Donate for building materials
We need building materials such as wall blocks, roofing, framing lumber, and so on. Your gift could be allocated to a specific material if you like.
Area: Ocate Cliffs fundraising
Donate for scholarships
We need funds to pay for scholarships for volunteers to travel here - about $300 per person from the coasts (or less for partial support)
Send affirmation
Send us your affirmation or testimonial - why is OC important to you? Why is it important for the world? We'll use these to show widespread interest in brochures and other fundraising material.
Give presentation
We need to get our story out to new people, and to do that we would like people to give presentations around the country to any groups they are involved in.
Area: Ocate Cliffs land management
Clear road and paths
For anyone who's on the land, we need the remainder of the loop road cleared and marked (so it can be graded with heavy equipment), and we need about 3 miles of paths cleared around the whole property.
Build outdoor structures
Someone could build various tree houses, and also pagodas and benches and such things in nice places in the woods. (One platform and 2 benches and a table have been built already.)
A suitable person could live on the land and be the caretaker. They could earn some money by thinning the forest and selling firewood.
Contact with ranchers
We need someone who can find a rancher who will graze their livestock on the land, in order to qualify for a tax deduction.
Make signs
We need signs pointing people to the trails so they can park outside the gate and walk to the cliffs. The trails will be open to the public.
Cut and sell firewood
In order to thin the woods to improve forest health and reduce fire danger, we need to cut and remove MANY loads of firewood. This could be sold and the income would go to the person doing it.
Area: Ocate Cliffs operations
Market the space
We need to involve groups that might want to camp there and hold their own events.
Furniture wish-list
sturdy shelving for books and other things (all sizes), closet organizers, large firewood rack, 6 beds (single, double, or bunk beds), porch swing with frame (NOTE: we cannot use low-end, broken, or particle-board furniture; everything needs to be commercial grade for durability.)
Area: Rhizome
Discuss and collaborate on line
The Rhizome project is a forum for collaborating on new projects originating in the autistic community. You can join the core group.